Moving to a new city is a life-changing experience that a majority of people in America have endured at least once in their life. As a military family, my husband, three pets, and I move around a little (or a lot) more often than the civilian population.
Relocating has almost become a walk in the park for me, but when my husband received his orders for San Diego, California, we knew that we had a behemoth-sized move ahead of us. We were stationed in Norfolk, VA at the time, so the countdown was on for a literal cross-country journey from the east coast to the west coast.
We’re also pet parents to two adorable rescue cats and my little travel buddy, Lady, so we knew that finding a place to live in a city we’d never been to before was just one of the many tasks on our list.
How on Earth were we going to safely transport three pets across the country and still have wiggle room for cool pit stops and exploring?
After completing the cross-country adventure, I’m happy to report that we discovered the best way to do it and the trip was a smashing success!
Whether you and your pets have a big move ahead, or you’re in search of inspiration for pet-friendly destinations that we visited along the way, read on to find out how we survived our cross-country move with pets and tips from someone who has been there and done that!
The Best Way to Do a Cross-Country Move With Pets
Just loading your pets into the car and driving to your destination may sound easy, but this scenario requires a lot more thought and preparation…especially if the move will take multiple days.
Not only will you have to ensure you bring everything they’ll need, but you must prepare for emergencies and small inconveniences that you may encounter. What will you do in case of a car accident? What happens if one of your animals gets sick and pukes all over the backseat or in their crate? How will you ensure they stay hydrated and fed?
The good news is that there are solutions to every aspect of completing a cross-country move with pets. The number one tip I will share on this topic is that YOU MUST BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING! It will save you a ton of stress during your trip, trust me on this!
So now the question is…how do you properly prepare for a big move with pets? Here are some of the most important points to cover and the solutions that we used!
How Will You Secure Them Safely in the Car?

One of the most important aspects of pet travel safety is making sure they are properly restrained in the car. Whether you use a crate, carrier, seat belt, or car seat, they should be comfortable yet secure enough that they won’t wander around the car and cause distractions.
This is especially true when you’re moving! All of the commotion and stress from being cooped up in the car can make your pets feel uneasy, making them more prone to moving around.
According to the American Automobile Association, over 80% of dog owners drive in the car with their pets but only 16% use proper safety restraints.
For Lady, we use the PetSafe Solvit Pet Safety Seat. This booster seat is ideal for dogs under 30 pounds and safely buckles Lady in while providing a nice view out the window.
Our cats were kept in your average travel pet carrier, but I placed their favorite blankets in each so they were comfortable and cozy while we were driving. We refrained from letting them out of their crates just in case one of them decided to hide under the seats or in a dark crevice and then make a run for it whenever the door opened.
*Tip* If you have multiple cats/crates, you can save room in the car by stacking the crates on top of one another. Of course, only do this if you can ensure the crates won’t slide or tip during your trip.
One of my cats, Captain, enjoys his dark and quiet space while the other, Chief, is much more observant and likes to see what is going on around him. Therefore, we decided to place Captain’s crate on the bottom in the rear passenger seat and stack Chief’s crate on top so he would have a small view out the window and receive more sunlight. Then we used one of the suitcases we had packed to prop the stacked crates safely into place.
This worked out very well for us and both cats were comfortable for the majority of our cross-country move.
What if My Pets Have Travel Anxiety?
When moving with pets, I believe it’s extremely important to know whether your dogs/cats are prone to travel anxiety. I’m sure the last thing you want is for your beloved pets to be stressed and anxious during your move, but relocating is just as long and stressful to them as it can be for us.
When Lady was a puppy, she was terrified of jumping into the car with us and would violently tremble on our way to the vet, dog park, or anywhere. I thoroughly researched the best and most natural ways to reduce travel anxiety in animals and implemented them whenever I had to transport Lady with me in the car. I’m happy to report that they were a complete success, and I’m sure they’ll work for you, as well!
Here are just a few simple ways you can remedy your own pets’ travel anxiety naturally!
Practice Getting Into the Car
When your dog is new to car rides or shows signs of travel anxiety, this is the best place to start. While many dogs enjoy car rides and sticking their faces out of the window, others can become extremely overwhelmed and stressed if they’re not used to being inside a moving vehicle.
To help Lady overcome her travel anxiety, I started associating car trips with something that almost every dog loves…treats!
Without traveling anywhere, I opened up the passenger door of my car and placed her favorite snacks in the seat. When she jumped into the car on her own, she was rewarded! We tried this a few times before she was proactively leaping into the car on her own.
How long you want to try this method before your move depends on how serious your dog’s case of travel anxiety is. If your pup is new to traveling or only mildly anxious before a trip, I’d say the best time to start this process is around two weeks before your move. If he/she is seriously anxious, give it at least a month and keep track of your progress!
CBD Oil or Lavender Oil
Both CBD oil and lavender oil have natural calming properties that instantly ease your dog’s anxiety. I was so impressed by how well they worked that I began to try them for myself!
I used Prana Pets CBD Oil on both Lady and my cats before we started each new car ride and it almost instantly relaxed them and kept them calm for the duration of our journey. The oil is THC-free and activates the endocannabinoid system in your pet’s brain, which is present in both animal and human bodies. When this system is performing optimally, we feel much more balanced, relaxed, and happy.
Lavender oil is another great way to naturally safe way to calm your dogs, but not your cats! It can be toxic to cats in certain amounts, so if you’re moving with your feline companions, I recommend NOT using lavender oil.
However, it does create a calming effect for your dogs! When it’s just Lady and me traveling, I’ll sometimes rub a couple of drops of lavender oil into her car seat blankets.
Other Calming Products
There is a slew of calming products available on the market today, and they come in a variety of forms including drops, chews, and herbs. Here are just a few that we’ve either used for ourselves or given two-paws up!
- Only Natural Pet Herbal Calming Soft Chews: Free of sedating effects, these holistic bacon-flavored treats are made with B Vitamins and herbs including chamomile and passionflower.
- Vetri-Science Composure Feline Supplement Calming Chews: These cat chews use C3, L-Theanine, and Thiamine to minimize anxiety, nervousness, and hyperactivity.
- Pet Essences Calming Solution: Suitable for both dogs and cats, this oil is made from flower essences to balance emotional attitudes and bring renewed energy forward.
If Natural Solutions Don’t Work, What Do I Do?
Every animal is different and will react to medicines and remedies in its own way. If your anxious pet isn’t showing any signs of improvement after you’ve tried the above methods, then medication may be needed.
Many vets recommend common antihistamine pills such as Benadryl or Dramamine to cure travel anxiety and sickness in pets. Before your cross-country move, make an appointment to speak to your vet about potential options and proper dosages. They may even recommend prescribing your pet(s) to a certain medication that will help them during your trip.
Tips For Feeding Pets During Your Trip
It’s usually recommended that animals don’t eat heavy meals at least three hours before getting into the car. If they do, they are much more likely to get car sick and throw up, which is unpleasant for everyone in the vehicle.
For our trip, I left my animals’ dry food out while we were in the hotels and fed them a hefty wet food meal each night after the car ride. That way, I knew they had full bellies after a long day of driving and could snack on the dry food when they felt a bit peckish. Plus, feeding your animals wet food is a great way to hydrate them when they haven’t been drinking regularly.
What to Bring on a Cross-Country Move With Pets
When it comes to relocating with your precious animals, knowing exactly what to bring will save you plenty of headaches, and possibly protect your pets from a potential disaster.
My complimentary Doggie Packing Checklist is filled with the basic items that you should bring on an overnight trip with your pets such as food, toys, important paperwork, and medications. It’s the same checklist that I use when preparing for a trip with Lady and it has helped me stay organized and prepared for every trip.
I’d love to offer it to you for FREE, so help yourself and download the checklist here!
For our big move, however, I brought extra items that made riding in the car with three pets much smoother for all of us. Here are some of the things I brought that you may want to consider for your move:
- Extra Towels/Plastic Bags: I laid out old towels on the car seats and floorboards of my car just in case one of my pets got sick and threw up during our trip. My dog isn’t a stranger to puking in the car, and the towels were just extra insurance that I wouldn’t have to clean puke out of my floorboards or seats. Luckily for us, none of our animals got sick during the trip, but if they had, the towels would go in the plastic bags we brought and be washed at our next hotel.
- Pet Travel Water Bottle and Dispenser: Staying hydrated is very important during your move, for both you and your pets! I purchased No Drip Water Dispensers, just like the ones that you put in hamster or guinea pig cages, and attached them to the gates of my cats’ crates so they could drink from their safe space. I also got a water bottle for dogs that easily allowed Lady to drink in the car without making a mess. Make sure you offer water every few hours to ensure your pets are staying hydrated!
Where to Stay With Your Pets
One of the questions I get asked the most about my cross-country move with pets is, “How did you find pet-friendly hotels to stay in?” The answer is…it was easy!
There are many common pet-friendly hotel chains in America to choose from, many of which you’ll find along the interstates and highways. However, I highly recommend making your reservations in advance so the hotel is aware that you have pets ahead of time and your room is guaranteed.
We chose to stay in La Quintas and pet-friendly Airbnb’s because of their budget-friendly accommodations and lenient pet policies. Before your move, it would be a good idea to do some research, find cities to stop in along the way, and book pet-friendly hotels in that area. It was a great way for us to take a break and get some well-deserved rest after a long day of driving.
If you’re not sure where to start searching for places to stay with your dogs/cats, we’ve got some great blog posts on pet-friendly hotels. For even more options, Go Pet-Friendly and Bring Fido are great websites to use!
Important Tips to Know Before You Go!
Although moving to a new home has been recognized as one of life’s most stressful events, it should also be enjoyed as the start of a new beginning for you and your family. I want you to have just as much fun during your cross-country move as we did, so here are the best tips I can give based on my own experience.
1. Don’t Let the Little Things Stress You Out
You’re going to encounter several bumps in the road, both literally and figuratively. You’ll spill coffee all over yourself in the car, take a wrong exit, get a flat tire, or get caught in heavy traffic that delays your arrival time by hours. All of these are just part of the road trip, so don’t let every single little inconvenience bother you. Just let go of the stress and enjoy the journey!
2. Don’t Leave Your Pets Alone in the Car For Long Periods of Time
If you want to make a pit stop that would require you to leave your pets alone in the car, save it for another time. We only planned for pit stops that were just a few steps from our car or left the cats comfortably at our hotel before exploring the cities. Also, NEVER leave your pets in the car on a hot day, not even for just a few minutes.
3. Make Sure All Your Pets Have Proper ID And Are Microchipped
The chances of you and your pets becoming separated during a move are quite slim if you’re attentive to them, but in the slight chance that this nightmare becomes a reality, it’s better to be prepared for the worst.
Before the big move, make sure your pets have a collar and ID tag that lists their name and your phone numbers. Also, have their microchips scanned at your vet’s office to ensure all of that information is up-to-date.
If your dogs and/or cats aren’t microchipped, I highly recommend investing in them. Every penny is worth that extra peace of mind. If you’re strapped for cash, many vets at local animal shelters will perform the procedure at a reasonable rate.
4. Research Fun Pet-Friendly Attractions That You’ll Want to See Along the Way
A cross-country road trip is a perfect excuse to finally see all those cool places you’ve been talking about! The many breathtaking spots we visited made our move feel more like an adventure, and that’s the way it should be. You may find some fun dog-friendly destinations to visit by exploring more of our blog!
Places We Visited During Our Cross-Country Move
Our cross-country move with pets was a long process that required a lot of work and planning…but I wouldn’t change a second of it!
Traveling with my husband and three pets from coast to coast was an experience I’ll never forget, and I consider myself lucky to have seen so many incredible places along the way. Here is a look at the cities and destinations we stopped in and some of the best pet-friendly things to do in each spot.
Day 1: Virginia Beach to Greeneville, TN
The small Southern town of Greeneville, TN was our first stop from Virginia since we were able to stay with my parents and save ourselves from the cost of another hotel room. Although this isn’t exactly a tourist destination, there are still some fun things to do with your pets, and the cities of Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and Knoxville are nearby!
These are some hot spots you’ll want to check out with your dogs in East Tennessee.
- Margarette Falls Hiking Trail: This 2.7-mile trail through the mountains of Greeneville is one of the most popular things to do in town! The path meanders alongside a gurgling creek and across streams before rewarding you with a spectacular view of Margarette Falls at the end. During the summer, be sure you bring a swimsuit so you can take a refreshing dip in the swimming hole at the base of the falls.
- Pigeon Forge: Known as one of Tennessee’s most popular vacation destinations, Pigeon Forge is a Southern town with a lot of character! Visit Dollywood, play a game of mini-golf, or catch a show at one of the dinner theaters. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is also just minutes away and offers fantastic hiking opportunities for you and your dogs!
- Gatlinburg, TN: Located just outside the gates of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg offers a wide variety of fun activities and attractions for families. Winter is a prime time for skiing at Ober Gatlinburg while the warmer months bring opportunities for hiking, live entertainment, and more. Westgate Resorts offers a pet-friendly lodge to stay in during your visit to Gatlinburg!
Day 2: Greeneville, TN to Little Rock, AK
Our second day on the road was probably our longest! We spent the entire day driving from Tennessee to Arkansas and arrived in Little Rock late afternoon. My husband and I had planned to visit the downtown area with Lady, but the rain put a damper on our plans and we were both so exhausted that we just decided to grab a drink at one of the nearby restaurants and hang out at the La Quinta with the pets.
I asked some of the locals at the bar where they take their dogs around town, and here were their answers!
- MacArthur Park: This off-leash dog park is a great place to let your dogs stretch out their legs after a full day in the car. The large fenced-in area has two separate areas for large dogs and small dogs and consists of grassy areas, concrete, and large boulders to climb on.
- River Market District: Located along the downtown waterfront, this is the place to go for a relaxing stroll in one of the city’s most lively areas. The open-air streets are very welcoming to dogs, and you may even catch the Farmers Market held each Tuesday and Saturday from May through October.
- Pinnacle Mountain State Park: If you have time for a fun hike during your visit to Little Rock, I’ve heard that Pinnacle Mountain State Park is where you want to be! If you hike to the top of Pinnacle Mountain, you’ll be exposed to great views of the bottomlands and local rivers carving their way through Pulaski County.
Day 3: Little Rock, AK to Amarillo, TX

Most of this day was spent driving through the remainder of Arkansas, across Oklahoma, and into the Texas panhandle. This is when we started to see a change in the landscape and notice much more western scenery.
After checking into the Amarillo hotel, here were the places we visited with Lady!
- Cadillac Ranch: This roadside attraction is a public art exhibit that has allowed visitors to unleash their innermost creativity. You’ll find ten old caddies (butts high in the air) plastered with spray paint left behind by thousands of visitors. It is a sight to see, and don’t forget to bring your own can of spray paint to leave your mark!
- Pondaseta Brewing Co: This is the most popular brewery in Amarillo, and it certainly shows through their high-quality craft beers.
Day 4: Amarillo, TX to Farmington, NM

This is when the fun really started! We planned a little detour away from the interstates and drove up to Raton, NM before embarking across Northern New Mexico on Highway 64. We saw some of the most stunning scenery we’ve ever seen along this route including snowy mountaintops, towering rock cliffs, huge multi-colored rocks, and of course, Shiprock! The drive does wind through the mountains and can be a bit difficult for those not used to winding roads, but if you think you and your pets will make it, then it’s DEFINITELY worth it!
- Shiprock: This massive rock rises high above the desert floor at just over 1,500 feet. The geological wonder can be seen for nearly 10-miles in all directions and is considered sacred ground to the local Navajo tribe. If you want to see it for yourself, you’ll have to travel down barren dirt roads on Navajo land (we were able to do it in my Toyota Corolla, but it’s much easier when you have a car with four-wheel drive). Once you’re close enough to enjoy the view, it will steal your breath away! Just make sure you’re respectful to the Navajo tribe and clean up after yourself and your pets.
- Rio Grande Gorge Bridge: Located approximately 10-miles north of Taos, NM, this worthy pit stop stretches across the magnificent Rio Grande Gorge with views of the Rio Grande River at the bottom. There are areas to pull your car on the side of the road and walk down the bridge to enjoy the view.

Day 5: Farmington, NM to Sedona, AZ
This day was the highlight of our cross-country road trip! In one day, we saw Four Corners, the Grand Canyon, and Sedona! Arizona looks like a completely different planet compared to the east…and in the best way possible! The gigantic red rocks and vast gorges and canyons were, simply put, STUNNING! Here’s what you need to know about taking dogs to the places we visited.
- Four Corners: This monument represents the exact spot in which Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet. Whoever said you can’t be in more than one place at a time has obviously never been to Four Corners! The monument itself is quite small and it only takes a few minutes to snap a photo, but you’ll want to stay to check out the local Navajo artisans and the crafts they sell right on-site.
- Grand Canyon National Park: Since the Grand Canyon is located relatively close to Sedona, we decided to see what is considered one of the “Natural Wonders of the World.” Neither my husband nor I had ever been, so it was a must! We made our way to Desert View at the south rim and were completely blown away! It’s so beautiful it doesn’t look real, and Lady enjoyed the view as well. Leashed dogs are welcome at the viewing sites and trails, so definitely add the Grand Canyon to your itinerary if you’ll be passing through Arizona!
- Our visit to Sedona was my favorite part of the entire trip! Just the majesty of it all is indescribable. There is nowhere else like it on the planet, and it’s every dog owner’s and hiker’s dream come true. Don’t forget to check out our blog post on dog-friendly things to do in Sedona, AZ.
Day 6: Sedona, AZ to San Diego, CA
On the last day of our road trip, we all jumped into the car early in the morning and drove straight through to our final destination!
We’ll have some great blog posts coming up on things to do with your dogs in Southern California, so be sure to stay on the lookout.
Do you think you’re ready for driving cross-country with a dog? Have any additional tips from your own experience? Be sure to let us know in the comments!
Interested in even more dog-friendly destinations or pet health and safety tips? Stick around and explore Doggone Destinations or learn more about Lady and myself on our About Us page!